God has made each of us uniquely great. Not for our glory, but for His. God’s glory shines brightest, and our deepest joy is found, when we use our gifts for Christ’s cause in our homes, communities, work, and church.

As K-12 educators, we’re called to spark each student’s potential and fan it fully into flame by expertly immersing academics in God’s word and way. And because living a life of purpose doesn’t start after graduation, we create opportunities now for children to develop their talents in the service of their peers, families and the broader community.

This makes for a distinctly different educational experience. One where the aim is more than just achieving the good life, but a life of service. This is Christian education on purpose.


Avail Academy provides quality education that is fully integrated with a biblical knowledge of God and his world, supporting Christian parents and the church in nurturing children as disciples of Christ.


Avail Academy will thrive as a provider of distinctively Christian elementary and secondary education and will lead the larger community to adopt Christian education as a priority.


Cultural Connectedness, Thoughtful Discipleship, Nurturing Community, Transforming Education, Opening Opportunities

We Believe...

  • all things exist to glorify God, whom we know in Jesus.

  • because God made and upholds his creation, it is of essential goodness and worth.

  • God made men and women to tend the world as bearers of his image.

  • God has created a world of order, not chaos, and has given human beings the ability to understand the created order.

  • sin darkens our hearts and understanding of the world.

  • the Scriptures are God’s inspired Word and that, as we are illumined by the Holy Spirit, they teach us how to view all of life and creation.

  • Jesus Christ, as Lord of all, renews his people in his image and calls them back to the task of tending his creation.

  • Christ has called the members of his community to serve him together and has obligated them to teach their children how to serve in his kingdom.

  • children of believers are members of the Christian community and are regarded as God’s servants.

 We are prompted by these guiding principles to be purposeful in the way that we teach and learn at Avail Academy. Every part of our lives must serve Christ’s glory. What great joy when our children come to know and believe that the entire created order reflects God’s truth, goodness, and beauty! What great joy when they come to know and believe that every fact in the universe belongs to the upholding work of God!

Teachers and students in every Avail Academy classroom delight in all aspects of God’s world as good gifts from our Creator, drawing on the many insights that non-Christians as well as Christians have acquired in studying creation. Teachers and students recognize that all human culture is affected by sin and falls short of glorifying God, so we continually evaluate all human actions, including our own, from a biblical perspective. We immerse ourselves in God’s Word, interpreting all things in the universe according to them. We discover and develop God-given gifts and purposefully direct them in God’s Way and Word. Alongside the family and the church, Avail Academy fulfills a unique role by instructing and nurturing students from Kindergarten through 12th grade to use the gifts of God for the cause of Christ.

Established in 1961, Avail Academy (formerly Calvin Christian School) provides K-12 Christian education in the Twin Cities metro area. Avail Academy is accredited by Christian Schools International (CSI), and is affiliated with the Minnesota Independent Schools Forum (MISF).